
This fund offers grants from £1,000 up to £10,000 for projects delivering sporting, social, educational or other community activities in Waterbeach and/or Landbeach. Grants can be awarded towards running costs and/or small capital items.

Who can apply?
Non-profit organisations
Maximum grant
Up to £10,000
Eligible area
Waterbeach and Landbeach
1 February, 1 May, 1 August, 1 November

Examples of funded projects

Age UK Cambridgeshire & Peterborough received £9,000 to continue the Community Warden Scheme to ensure older people can remain living at home with the right level of support and input tailored to their needs; allowing them to retain their independence and promote positive mental well-being.

Waterbeach and Landbeach Action for Youth (WAY) received £9,357 to employ a youth outreach worker to protect and support young people by patrolling areas of the village during youth club hours.

The Parochial Church Council of St John the Evangelist Church in Waterbeach received £2,440 to design a bicycle parking scheme at St Johns that will serve visitors to the Church Rooms for community events.

A Day At The Beach received £1,000 to run a three week long arts, crafts and cultural event that showcased local artists to the surrounding community.

Apply for a grant

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If you require other variations of the Foundation’s logos, please refer to our application guidance for more options. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please email info@cambscf.org.uk